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  4. I cannot connect to or unlock my car

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I cannot connect to or unlock my car

Experiencing connectivity issues with your Virtuo? Let's troubleshoot:

Double-check you're at the right car by comparing the license plate with what's shown in the Virtuo app. Sometimes, even if the car is delivered to you, the plates might not match.
Make sure you've downloaded the key from the Virtuo app (remember, this isn't available when you're using a web browser).
Try turning your Bluetooth off and then back on via your settings.
Restart the app and hit the “Connect” button on the key.
For Android users, ensure your location data is turned on.
Ensure you're not logged into your Virtuo account on multiple devices.

This should get you connected to your car in no time!

Still stuck? Don't hesitate to reach out to Virtuo Customer Service via chat.

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