Virtuo Weddings

Discover our personalized car rental offer for weddings

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Why we're your perfect wedding match

You don't want your guests to endure long car rental queues in the build up to the happiest day of your life, right? Not only will you give them a nice discount off Virtuo, you will open their eyes to just how car rental should be. No queues, no counters, no paperwork.

Our service on your demand

Virtuo is available from 30 cities across Europe including some wedding hotspots around Aix-En-Provence, Marseille, Nice and more

A car that matches the event

Our large car model selection suits you and your needs. Attend the wedding with a proper vehicles wether you are alone or with family.

Additional drivers

You can add up to four drivers to the booking, free of charge. Perfect if there is a group of guests who all might want a drive.

You're in control

With generous mileage, flexible cancellation policy and modifications, we put the power in your hands. There won't be any cancellations for the big day of course.

How does virtuo Weddings works ?

3 steps to your personalized Virtuo offer.

Fill in the type form

If you are newly engaged or about to get married, answer the questions and tell us more about the venue.

Receive a unique promo code

Receive and share with your guests a personalized discount code that grants 40£ to each one renting a Virtuo to attend the wedding.

Share and get back

For each rental made with the code, get 40£ of credit (cumulative). Ready to be used after the wedding on your Virtuo account.

They tied the knot :

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"We felt a little guilty about having our guests traveling so far out of the city for our wedding. But being able to give them 40€ off a rental with Virtuo definitelv softened the blow !"

App Store • US


"Asking 100 guests to get from London to the south of a France was quite the ask. Thanks to Virtuo's offer we saved our guests money and got them there in some stylish cars!"