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Get an invoice to the name of my company
If you need an invoice for your company, you first need to set up a “Business profile.” Remember, you’ll want to do this before making your rental booking (which might mean canceling and rebooking if necessary).
Setting up your “Business profile” is straightforward. Whether you’re on our app or website, just head to the “Profile” tab and select “Create a Business Profile.”
Here’s the info you’ll need:
Company Name
Company’s Postal Address
Company VAT Number
When you’re booking, you’ll get a choice: booking as personal or business.
If you have more than 2 teammates frequently on the move, it might be best to reach out to our Virtuo for Business team:
If you made a booking before setting up a professional profile, please note that it is not possible to edit an invoice. Once generated, we cannot modify or add any information to it.
By ensuring you have a Business profile set up before booking, you can avoid any complications and ensure your invoices are correctly generated for your company’s needs.